On 8 October Lodewijk Egbert (Loet) Keasberry will celebrate his 95th birthday!
In the early eighties Loet did all the research on the roots of the Keasberry family. Only through meticulous research he succeeded in tracing hundreds of family members. In 1988 the first edition of his book Genealogie van het Geslacht Keasberry was published in Dutch. In 1998 a revised edition was published in English as the Genealogy of the Keasberry Family.
In May 2005 the website www.keasberry.net was launched. The site provides information about 800 family members around the globe and is maintained by his son-in-law Rob van der Horst who is married to Helen Keasberry.
You may also check the Facebook Group ‘Keasberry Family Worldwide’.
Loet is in reasonably good health and is living with his wife Iet Kockx in a service apartment in The Hague, The Netherlands, close to his children and grandchildren.
Please don’t hesitate to send Loet (lekeasberry@casema.nl) on 8 October your congratulations, with a copy to helenkeasberry@hotmail.com. We are sure he will be happily surprised.
Helen Keasberry
Rob van der Horst
Wednesday October 5th 2016, 10:07:26